uncomfortable and he has great difficulty in urinating. Gonorrhea therefore is not so serious in a man because he has forewarning enough to seek medical aid. Unfortunately, the majority of women can't toll when they've contracted gonorrhea until it's too late to do anything but have a major operation.
In the case of syphilis, with both men and women, a sore or pimple will usually appear within 21 days at the point of contact. This pimple won't hurt; you can squeeze it, oto., and feel no pain, and within 7 to 14 days the pimple will disappear of its own accord. Then begin the secondary signs. Any of the following are possible secondary signs: patches of falling hair; swollen lymph glands; piercing migraino-type headachos; hard-to-shake sore throat; skin rash, like hives; or mouth sores. In time, these secondary signs also disappear.
One of the most important things to remember is that within the first four or five years the person who has contracted syphilis is a great danger to other people whom ho has sexual relations with. The disease will give him no great trouble during that period; but from seven years up the disease goes into tertiary stages that are next to impossible to cure and which in time are quite degrading and fatal to the individual involved. We all know of the classic cases of blindness, insanity, and wasting of the body in any number of hideous ways. The disease does not appear to be communicable after the five-year period,
Mr. Leach wished to stress the confidentiality of reporting yourself or suspected cases to the Health Office. All cases are privileged M. D. information and are not available to the police, probation officers, etc. Diagnosis and treatment are free. If a person thinks he might have been exposed to the disease, he should contact his own doctor or the Health Office in the district where ho resides. For instanco, in Los Angeles, it would be listed in the telephone book under Los Angeles County Health Dept. or Los Angeles City Health Dept.
If you do indeed have a vonereal disease, you will be treated froo, without moral stigma, and you will be asked